
What is ThatFairyGame and what do I want to achieve with it?

ThatFairyGame is the name of the project of my dreams and NOT the name of the game itself!

!!  Scroll down to Why this theme exactly? to learn more about the video game  !!

I want to fulfill one of my childhood dreams - to make my own video game spinoff of the for-many-of-us-beloved fairy franchise!


Aside from that, up until now I've always been working on small projects or proof of concepts that didn't really have an end goal, so I wanted to try to embark on something big!

Realistic vision about the Game...

For starters we're going to recreate the first episode of the series, while at the same time adding a personal touch to it. And to make our goal less scary and even more realistic, I divided the first episode into chapters.

Chapter One:
1) Bloom's House (Wake up, Explore the house, Interact with the parents)
2) To the Park (Drive to the park with the bike, Interact with NPCs on the way)
3) Encountering Stella (Follow Kiko, Fight off the enemies)

Chapter Two:
4) Back in the House (Stella wakes up, Show her around the house, Try magic)
5) To Alfea (Jump in the picture to go to the forest near Alfea; Back to Gardenia)   -- might skip this step
6) Diversion (Make the enemies follow you out of the house and fight them off until the Specialists come)

Chapter Three:
7) Cleaning Time (Help clean the house, Learn from Stella)
8) To Alfea! (Everyone goes to Alfea only to encounter the barrier and say goodbye)

Why this theme exactly?

From when I was a little kid up until now I've been enjoying and taking inspiraton from both the official Winx Series and their licensed Video Games. One of my favorites games up to this date is their 2005 game for Windows made by Konami and DC Studios. Back then I highly enjoyed the open world it had to offer, the interactions with the other NPCs and the environment design was something I never experienced before! I was in awe! I wanted more content from them ever since but it never came...  And that's when I started thinking and daydreaming about creating my own video games!

And here I am now, studying Expanded Realities - making my dream of publishing a fantasy open world RPG expand even further into the virtual worlds! I'm currently at the end of my third semester and I found a certain thinking pattern when it came down to me coming up with game concepts.. I found myself always coming back to the 2005 game for references when I was creating moodboards for my semester project ideas!! I took the fact that I was always coming back to it as a sign and I initialized the start of my own franchise inspired game!


My head is full of ideas and expansions for this project and I'm happy to be able to share the process here! I've also invited enthusiasts such as McChipy and friends/colleagues of mine to work with me towards this ambitious goal I've set, so keep an eye out for their links!

Why this Project Name exactly?

I was brainstorming account names and I set myself some rules - 1) It shouldn't contain the already existing brand name for copyright reasons; and 2) I want to introduce some wordplay in it and at the same time keep it short and non-ambitious!  From all of the ideas I had, I settled for fairygamesthatfairygame, and justwings.


Fairy Games sounded like a cute game studio, but didn't feel true to a personal project. It sounds too ambitious... At least for now! 

justwings  represented Bloom's famous phrase when explaining what the group logo she came up with means ("Nothing! Just.. Wings!"). The downside to this one is that the intention's not quite clear from the get-go. Is it about chicken wings? Angels? Fairies are the last thing I thought of when I was thinking about the word wing by itself.

ThatFairyGame sounded funny when I thought about me typing it into the searchbar and it stays true to what it is about - it's that game about fairies!

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