The Three Ancient Sisters

Scene: The Lost Library

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In-Game Screenshots


1. Concepting.

2. Modelling and Setting up the Scene.

3. Adding interactivity.

4. Future Plans.

1. First Steps:  Concepting.

360* Prologue.

We see and hear everything from the Firstborn's perspective in the Prologue. The game starts in the Throne Room a few weeks after the Great Incident. You play as the Firstborn - choose your own gender and looks.

Concepting some of the Characters/Companions.

The Librarian.

Curse: Sight.

Abilities: Foresight.

Type: Crowd Control.

The Swamp Duo.

Curse: Petrification (only works in the Swamps)

Type: Shield.

Creating a concept Presentation/Moodboard.

(Coming up with the Playable Locations and the Quest System.)

Some Moodboards.

Environment Layout made with assets from the Asset Store.

Creating some UI Concept. (The Forest Images do NOT belong to me)

2. Modelling and Setting up the Scene

Terrain, Water Planes, Water Shaders.

Creating some trees, mushrooms and rocks.

Blocking out the Environment.

Modelling the Characters.

3. Adding Functionality

Adding a Playable Character and making the Camera follow it.

Creating the Inventory and the Quest System.

The Dialogue System and the Dialogue Animations can only be triggered if the Player is within reach to the Quest Giver && button "T" is pressed.

The Player must collect 5 randomly-spawned-in-the-world mushrooms and bring them to the Quest Giver in order to receive a Key that allows the Player to go to the next scene if Key is used on a portal/door.

Scene Transition.

When the Player receives the Key, he needs to find the hidden corridor which acts as a Scene Transition. It's located directly behind the waterfall that's behind the house. The Player must jump from rock to rock to reach it. If he falls, he must redo the jumping, because the only way to get out from the water is where he started the jumping puzzle.


For the "Labyrinth" Scene, check out my Project Buddy's website: _____"link soon"_____

Library Scene:

Goals for the Future

1) Interactive Water.

2) Quests inside the Library.

3) Add Farming (fishing, breeding farm animals, collecting flowers/herbs, planting fruits & vegetables).

4) Upgrade the assets.

Whew.. That was a lot to go through! Thank you for sticking around!